I didn’t fall off the wagon!

I’ve been M.I.A.

It’s been deliberate though. I didn’t fall off the wagon. It just turns out that one of the unlisted side effects of Cambridge is pregnancy! 

After years and years of IVF and all sorts of fertility treatments resulting in 2 beautiful boys, we have a surprise pregnancy. A very happy surprise.

So, I will continue my Cambridge journey post birth and breastfeeding. I’ll see ya’ll then!

Moving and Shaking

So, I’ve been going for jogs. Voluntarily. No one was chasing me. I just went because I wanted to. Gee, I haven’t felt well enough to do this in SUCH a long time.

I’m over 13kgs down now and I’m feeling much better for it. My clothes fit better, I have more energy and my mood in general has lifted. I’m still not quite where I want to be just yet, but I’m definitely on the right path and heading in the right direction. I just need to stay motivated. 

I think short term goals are the key to motivation for me. Next Saturday is Stakes Day and I need to fit into a dress and more importantly, feel good. That is goal number 1. Goal number 2, I have a wedding in qld in 2 weeks. I need to feel good and not be totally embarrassed by the photos. I’ll have to set some more goals over the weeks ahead. Now is not the time to lose motivation! I’ve come so far yet I’m not quite half way… 

It will be so worth it in the end.

Today, the sun is shining and I’ll need to get out and move. A nice slow jog pushing the enormous double pram ought to burn a few calories and earn my a yummy Cambridge bar and coffee.

Have a fabulous weekend!


M.I.A. That’s where I’ve been!

Even though it has been quite a few weeks since my last blog post, that doesn’t mean i’ve gone off the rails. I’m still very much on track and focused on fitting in to a cute dress in 4 weeks time.

I haven’t been well for the past few days which has been a bit crap because as a mum there is no time for illness. The positive in this is my throat has been so sore that all i can swallow are Cambridge shakes. I can’t manage even a bar or the meals. An all liquid diet does wonders for the waistline so lets hope it helps me fit into that dress!

So, i’ve been on this diet for 9 weeks and as of today lost 11.6kgs. I’m feeling much better overall but can still see that i have a long way to go. My clothes are fitting better and some things that didn’t fit me before are quite comfortable. Another positive i have to mention is in regards to a disorder i’ve always lived with called ‘Essential Tremors.’ It is a neurological disorder that effects the central nervous system. The main symptom is uncontrollable shaking or tremors in the arms and legs. Mine was relatively mild and would become better or worse depending on how i was feeling. A slight hint of a cold or infection and it would become out of control and i would struggle to even hold a glass of water. After about 4 weeks on Cambridge I began to notice it easing up. Now, 9 weeks in I feel like it has almost gone. I find myself doing simple things that i couldn’t do in the past like holding a hot coffee in one hand and not ending up with burns on my arms or being able to hand someone a glass without giving them the fright of their life that I was going to accidentally pour it all over them. I can’t explain why it is easing the tremors but it makes me VERY happy. The only other time it has eased up in the past is during pregnancy when it almost goes away entirely. I suspect that means it could be hormonal but look, whatever the reason, im just happy to have control of my hands!

So, the goal for me over the next few weeks is to lose as many centimeters as possible so this dress that i have will not only zip up (which it does now) but look nice. It is currently far to tight and looks pretty awful.

Wish me luck!


When The Wheels Fall Off

I’ve been doing so well sticking to plan. I’ve felt organised, energetic and in control (most of the time). I had been wondering how I would cope if my routine was changed, and then it happened…

Last Friday afternoon we had a little party at childcare to celebrate Fathers Day and they put on a great little sausage sizzle. Hubby had two sausages, Mr 3 had three sausages (his record is 7, so it was a slow day) I had none of course and Mr 7 months sat with me looking cute. I noticed he had a bit of a temperature so grabbed hubby and said we should leave as we were outside in the cold.

We got home and sat Mr 7 months in the high chair to have some dinner. He started shaking uncontrollably and his eyes glazed over. Shit. What’s happening? He feels very hot to touch and is shaking like he is freezing! Then I noticed his lips and mouth begin to turn blue and his eyes roll back into his head as he fell unconscious. Hubby shouted his name and quickly picked him up and he snapped awake again although his lips were still blue, as were his arms and legs. I quickly checked his breathing. He was breathing but very rapid. Ok, don’t panic. Remember your first aid training. He appears to be having a fit. Shit. He is VERY hot. A quick rise in body temperature can cause febrile convulsions. This looks like febrile convulsions so he needs to be cooled down. Quickly. I quickly place a cold, wet face washer on the neck. Immediately his breathing returns to normal and lips begin turning pink. Ok, good. He is ok. Now, call an ambulance or head to emergency? I remember from my training that febrile convulsions, although VERY scary to watch are actually harmless to the child. I’m not a doctor and am not 100% sure that is what happened so decide he needs to be checked either way. The closest hospital is only a 2 minute drive away but the ambulances come from the bigger hospital 20 minutes away. I decide that since he is stable and returning to normal that it will be much quicker to go to the local hospital. I jump in the car and calmly head there with Mr 7 months strapped into his car seat. On the way to hospital I silently congratulated myself on remaining calm and remembering my training in a very panicked situation. We walk into emergency and Mr 7 months is calm and fine. The room is packed full of sick and injured people. Bugger, this could be a long night. I walk up to triage and begin to describe to the nurse what happened but couldn’t get even half way through the story before turning into a sobbing mess! Whoops. Not so tough now, mum. The nurses were amazing. They came straight out of the station and started checking his oxygen levels and heart rate. We get taken straight through to see the doctor immediately. His temperature was 40.1 degrees so they give him some paracetamol to manage that and then we began the questions and full medical history. 

After many tests they determined that he may have just had gastro that led to fever and then the febrile convulsions. He is going to be fine if we can just get some fluids into him! I spent the next few days sitting beside a hospital bed with my little baby. Obviously the last thing on my mind was diet! One of the days we were in hospital, a lovely nurse bought me a chicken sandwich (noooooo!!! Carbs!!!) I ate it and it was actually the only thing I ate for three whole days. It was exhausting but there is plenty of time to get right back on track!

As soon as my beautiful boy got the all clear and we went home, I went straight back on plan. My loss for the week was still 0.9kgs and 15cm so not a total write off despite the sanga.

This coming week I’ll concentrate *extra* hard on sticking to the plan.

Total loss so far is 7kgs in 4 weeks. Not bad. Not bad at all! (And bubba is totally fine and back to normal now)


The Mystery of the Fluctuating Scales

I’m feeling a bit like Sherlock Holmes today. I’ve solved the mystery of the fluctuating weight! I know it’s totally normal to go up and down a bit, especially when dieting because of you know… body chemistry and stuff. Well, I had be fluctuating 2-3kgs in one day. That is a bit ridiculous!

So, today I got really annoyed. My weight was up 2 whole kilos from yesterday. I had stuck to the plan 100% despite being starving and watching  my family eat a delicious meal which I didnt even taste. What was my reward? Here ya go, have 2 kilos. Not very friggen fair.

Anyway, after storming off in a cranky mood and just thinking I might as well eat whatever I want, a thought popped into my head. I bought new scales and they are a bit different to my old ones. Now, to explain the issue i’ll need to explain how the scales work (as disinterested as you may be, bare with me!). The scales have the regular flat part that you stand on with the digital screen that declares your fate. On the bottom of the scales are 4 “feet”. So, when you stand on the scales, the pressure is felt in the 4 little “feet” as they are pushed in and determine the weight above them. Well, my bathroom is tiled in old-style Victorian tiles and it is actually impossible to have all 4 of the little “feet” on a tile at the same time thus making it ever so slightly uneven always with one little “foot” getting pushed in a little bit extra and adding to my weight. I did a little experiment. Jump on the scales. See dreaded number. Jump off and move scales slightly. Jump on again. I’m now 2 kilos less (yesssssss!). Move scales again. I’m now 1 kilo more (faaaaaaaark!). Move again and the same thing happens. Stupid scales. Stupid tiles.

In my wisdom, i move the scales to another room and jump on. Weight is what i expected. I jump off, move scales and jump back on. Same weight. Well, who knew. Hopefully this is the problem solved and yes, I will buy new scales again. This time i’ll buy ones with a flat bottom. It serves me right for getting the crappy $15 ones from K-Mart.

Tomorrow is weight day. Let’s hope for a big loss!


Hungry Town

Today I am residing in Hungry Town. I’ve been here all day long, and what a long day it’s been. I just want to eat but I guess if i really  think about it i’m actually not hungry. Just bored. I’ve had a quiet day resting as i’m still recovering from an injury and a surgery so every now and then my body tells me to take it easy. Sometimes, I listen.

I’ve drank so much water it’s actually ridiculous. I even made kale chips with salt (ohhh yum,and they crunch! I didn’t realise i would miss the crunch of food sooooo much). Nothing could fill the hole. I’m not giving in and eating anything naughty though, i’ll regret it if i do! My new batch of Cambridge products arrived today. I had the strawberry shake with heaps of ice and blended in my nutri-bullet to make a slushie. It was divine. Cambridge Queen threw in a bunch of bars as well to start on next week. It took every ounce of my self control not to eat the whole bag immediately. Instead, i made a cup of herbal tea and looked online for dresses to wear to my sister in laws wedding in a few months time. Obviously, i’m going to be incredibly skinny by then and resemble a cat-walk model so I may as well pick something cute to wear.

One thing i struggle with every day is cooking dinner for the rest of the family. It’s driving me nuts having to sit there and watch them scoff down carb loaded meals. It drives me even more nuts to see them leave just a little bit on their plate. APPRECIATE YOUR FOOD!! I feel like screaming. Then i have to clear everything up and not eat the scraps. Every single night I have the internal battle of “just a little taste wont hurt!”. Someone tell me this part gets easier? Blahhhhhhh so frustrating.

Today I made ice cream from scratch per hubby’s request.I used beautiful fresh ingredients and sweetened it with pureed strawberries rather than sugar. It’s far from healthy but probably better than some of the chemical laden (yet delicious) stuff you get in the supermarket. Anyway, he obviously wanted to get stuck into it after dinner and it was killing me.I had to churn it in the thermomix before serving it and once I had put the rest away in the freezer I had to RACE to the sink to fill the thermomix bowl with water before i could lick it. If I got a taste it would be ALL OVER. I’d be smashing down that ice cream like a crazed addict. I’m just a bit of a sad sack today. Poor me! Oh, by the way, carb-loaded meals and ice cream is hubby’s idea of being on a diet so he actually thinks he is supporting me. He has refrained from coming home with KFC and McDonalds to “help me”. I don’t even like that crap *insert grumpy face*.

On Sunday I’m heading out for a “Mum’s Gone Wild” afternoon. We are going to the cinema to see Bad Mom’s and then out for dinner. I’m really looking forward to it and have a plan in place so I don’t binge and undo all of my hard work. Let’s hope i stick to the plan!

This weeks weight loss was 1.5kgs which is still great but not as good as last week. I have to admit that i was a bit disappointed but Cambridge Queen was quick to point out that it is a total of 4.6kgs in 2 weeks. That is pretty impressive. Also, i have lost 13cm off my measurements this week which is much higher than last week. Overall, i’m chugging along pretty well. C’mon, week 3…we got this!


Meet Me In Ketosis

Tomorrow marks 2 weeks on Cambridge. My special job for tomorrow is to do a wee test and check if i’m in ketosis. Ketosis sounds like a lovely destination with sunshine, rolling waves and white sandy beaches. I imagine it’s somewhere near Mykonos.

I’ve been reading a bit about this elusive ketosis on a Facebook Cambridge support group. Basically what i have read is that if you so much as look at a carb, eat anything off plan or accidentally lick the dog its enough to knock you out of ketosis or ruin your chances of getting there anytime soon. I have a special little test strip waiting for tomorrow morning, oh the excitement! It kind of feels like those many months we spent trying for a baby and i had that 1 pregnancy test. I’d wait as many days as i possibly could (*ahem* ok, it was probably only 1 day!) before getting it out and doing that little test. It was always negative so i’d pop out and buy another and then before i knew it the obsession started and i was practically a shareholder in First Response. Will I get a good result? I’ve been really great sticking to the plan but my body is a bit slow to realise what it’s supposed to do so I suspect it will be a little while away.

As I write this, my 6 month old is rolling around on his playmat trying desperately to get the tag in his mouth. I wonder if that tag will effect ketosis. Hmmm anyway, i’m sitting here looking at what could actually be the cutest baby ever born. I know, i know… EVERYONE thinks that about their own children but i’m pretty sure he is the number one cutest. He has these big chubby arms and legs with so many folds in the skin that it looks like I have tied elastic bands around his arms and legs. I haven’t, before you go calling child services… Someone was actually telling me that babies being all cute is a defense mechanism.Seriously. You are supposed to think they are the cutest thing in the world so you aren’t tempted to chuck them in the bin at 2am when they are screaming for the 4th hour straight. I’m not even making that up.

This week has had it’s challenges. My weight isn’t dropping as rapidly as it did last week which is a bit disheartening BUT it’s still decreasing which is a win. I need to be a little bit patient *sigh*. I hate being patient. I’m not very hungry this week which is great, it makes this easier to stick to. I weighed myself yesterday and had dropped another kilo which is great. I’m just hoping for a bit more tomorrow!

Well, that’s all from me for now. Hopefully i’ll see you in ketosis soon for a cocktail! Ok, no cocktails allowed. Right. I’ll have a sugar free, carb free cocktail. Yep, i’ll just have a water thanks. #imsoboring

‘Weigh To Go’ and other delightful puns

It’s my first weigh-in day! The results are good people, the results are good.

Total weight lost (never to be found again) is *drumroll*  3.1KGs! OK, so most of that will be fluid of course but we are heading in the right direction. I have also done my measurements and it’s a total of 9cm GONE. Yes! The only down side is not even one measly millimeter came off my thighs. Never mind though, it’s only week 1. We have plenty of time for that.

This mornings breakfast was a vanilla shake with ice cubes and a shot of coffee (because i have kids and i can’t have wine) blitzed in the nutribullet. That right there is genius. It was friggin ahhhhh-mazing. The crushed ice gave a little crunch which is something I had been missing.

So, this weekend I have an engagement party and i’m wondering how to tackle it. Part of me says “Go have fun, drink wine and parrrrr-tay” but then i think how hard this week has been and I really don’t want to have to start over. I think i’ll drive and be sensible. I’m just grateful it’s a party for my side of the family. My hubby is European and I call their parties ‘eating parties’ because it’s all about food for them. This party will be your typical aussie party with plenty of grog and a plate of sandwiches and a few party pies. No worries!

My little boy has an ear infection so not only have I not eaten solid food for 7 days but I haven’t slept either. This week has been a true endurance test and my main goal is to not fall into a heap. Yesterday was really tough. My 3 year old must be feeling just awful and isn’t himself. When he isn’t well he get’s angry and disruptive and takes it out on his little brother and our dog. I spent the whole day refereeing and just generally trying to make sure no one was injured. It was emotionally draining. When I finally managed to get both kids into bed (albeit temporarily as it would turn out) all i wanted to do was sink into the recliner with a wine. I felt like I deserved one! Luckily I planned ahead and there was no wine in the house (oh the fun i had cleaning that out!! Not a drop went to waste!). It actually got me thinking. I had been using wine or ‘bad’ food as a reward after a hard day. It’s really not a reward though. It’s a punishment because although it’s good at the time, I have to live with the results of it and then work extra hard to reverse the damage. That doesn’t mean i’m giving up alcohol forever. I just need to realise that I don’t need those things to feel happy. Happiness comes from within and with a little attitude adjustment I can find joy in the simple things (that have less calories) like the beautiful little face grinning at me right now as I type this. My 6 month old basically has the cutest face you will ever see. Ok, so that got a bit deep!

I have another confession. I was making peanut butter toast for the kids and i licked the knife. If you want to look at the positive side, it was home make peanut butter so had no sugar, salt or oil (my poor kids haha). I feel like i’m preparing food ALL FRIGGIN DAY. This is my first diet since having kids. I can’t just avoid food like i used to. I also want to set a healthy example for the kids which i’m finding a bit hard at the moment.

One week down and probably many many to go! It has been a successful week but i just need to stay on the wagon. Please don’t let me fall of!


Hump Day

I think i’m over the “hunger hump”. I kinda just cruised through today without every second thought being “carbs carbs carbs”. Maybe I was just distracted or maybe i’ve turned a corner. I had Tomato Basil soup for dinner (add a tiny bit of salt and it’s yumo) and then realised I had missed afternoon tea. That means i get a treat tonight! My key Lime Pie mix-a-mousse is setting in the fridge Woohoo!!!

I weighed myself this morning and lost 0.1 of a kilo since yesterday. That is a total of 2.1kgs now which is pretty friggin awesome. I’m still fluctuating so I expect that will go up and down before my official weigh in on Thursday.

So, my struggles today have been trying to avoid cake. I’ve been a cake dodger all day. First up this morning my hubby had left a blueberry muffin on the counter for me (I whispered the c word when i saw it). It was still there when he got home! Then we had immunisations for little Mr 6 months. They had scones and cupcakes on offer which we politely declined. Then after that we went on a play date to a friends house who had the birthday party on sunday and they had left over cake that was to be eaten. I had to say no about 7 times and felt a bit bad. Even my 3 year old wouldn’t eat it which is VERY unlike him (aka garbage guts).

We get home and Mr 3 fall asleep in his Paw Patrol bed which is also very unlike him. He never naps during the day. So, I go to wake him 3 hours later and he gets up in a very sooky clingy mood. He feels very hot and is covered in a rash. Brilliant. Off to the GP we go!

This afternoon i’m bored and house-bound. I have a fridge full of food to avoid so will busy myself cleaning my house (which, btw looks like a tornado has ripped through here dropping Disney Cars figurines and train tracks literally everywhere). 

A bit of a shout out to Cambridge Queen, my consultant for the pep talk today. I’m feeling pretty good but still need a nudge to keep on going. The hot tip of the day is to get some little hand weights going to avoid a flabby arm situation. No one likes to have a flabby arm situation! I’ve included sexy Cindy Crawford pic for your enjoyment and inspiration. I chose the one of her laying in the sand wearing a sequined bathing suit because it’s just so realistic. I also like to spend time rolling in the sand wearing sequins.

Don’t forget to follow me on Insta @Shake_It_Off_Au. I’m a bit of a Scotty-No_Friends at the moment

Not Clever!

So Yesterday I saw a recipe shared on Facebook for slow cooked pulled pork. I had all of the ingredients already so I thought it would be a good idea to make this for the kids and hubby.

Not Clever!

Last night Mr 3 was up ALL night. He had a fever,wanted ‘mummy cuddles’. My poor baby. I gave him some nurofen to help with the pain and fever. Big friggin mistake. I forgot nurofen sends him loopy. After much negotiation (ie. you can watch the iPad) I got him to stop jumping on the bed and get in. He would lose his sh*t when I tried to take the iPad off him and I didn’t have much fight in me, so gave in. I just lay there next to him and hoped he would eventually fall asleep. Midnight came and went. Every half hour or so we would go through the same cycle. I would take the iPad off him, he would go nuts. Mr 6 months would wake crying. I’d go settle him. I’d return and Mr 3 would have discovered my iPad hiding spot and be back happily watching it in bed. So, I just let him go. At three-forty-fucking-five am he fell asleep. He slept restlessly, obviously unwell. So did I.

Anyhoo, this morning I was up at sparrows fart with Mr 6 months. I prepared the slow cooker for the pulled pork and put it on. Quite proud of myself,i must say as i’ve never made pulled pork before and even went to the effort to make the bbq sauce from scratch. A few hours later that smell of delicious slow cooked meat began to waft through the house. Now, I haven’t eaten solid food for 6 days. Why on earth would I do this to myself? Because I’m an idiot. There is no other word for it. I can’t even escape the house with the sick little one. Boo!

I’ve managed to stay on track today but my weight is still fluctuating. I’ve lost exactly 2 kgs so far which is still very good BUT a few days ago i had lost 2.9kgs. It’s frustrating but i’m trying to remember that i’ve only just stopped breastfeeding last week so i’ll still be producing milk which will be causing my weight to fluctuate. I think? Well, that’s my story and i’m sticking to it.

I had porridge for breaky and quite enjoyed it. Apple an Cinnamon was nice but Original is my favourite as i’m not a big fan of sweet things. I was reading somewhere that you can microwave the shake to make a little cake type thing. I’m defo doing that later to reward myself for not devouring the pulled pork after having to smell it all day.

Hubby came home from work with some fresh bread rolls to eat with his pulled pork. I watched, silently hoping he would choke on one as he scoffed it down. Mmmmm one of those rolls with vegemite and butter would go down a treat right now. I’ve completely lost my mind though.I was just sniffing the pork whilst imagining burying my face in the bowl and going all nom nomnom on it.

Day 5 is almost done. I’m full of beans today. I’m not sure if i’m delirious from lack of sleep or if i’m over the ‘hump’and beginning to feel better. I even went as far as to make up a dance to that Megan Trainor song. I’m not sure what it’s called but the opening line is “Who’s that sexy thing I see over there? That’s me! Standing in the mirror”. Anyway, my dance is rad and i’ll be sure to teach you one day.

Another successful day of donut-dodging. Well done me.